Aesthetic Services for Minnesota’s (Manly) Men

This blog is for the boys. ♂️ Minnesota creates some manly men, but I know many of them would love a little REFINEment. There are infinite aesthetic procedures that men can benefit from. Whether they want to age more handsomely, sculpt their chin, eliminate a double chin, or more: beauty services aren’t just for women!

Here’s a list of the treatments that attract male patients the most here at REFINE. Read on and soon, you may have a new strategy to put your best face forward.

Facial sculpting & fillers for men

Dermal fillers are an incredible solution for men because of two words: Facial Sculpting. Fillers made from natural ingredients like HA (hyaluronic acid) can sharpen the jawline, define the profile, smooth the nose, protrude the chin, and more. With just a few non-invasive injections, fillers can give you that chiseled look that no gym or diet can offer.

Another reason men love fillers is that they fade away gradually and naturally. Filler results can last over 6 months and results tend to extend longer if you continue treatments. However, you’re free to stop treatments whenever you wish with zero maintenance, so no commitment.

Neurotoxins (Brotox) for men

If you’re jealous of all the women out there who get to hide their wrinkles with Botox and makeup, this is your chance. Believe it or not, I inject plenty of men in Minnesota with Botox and other neurotoxins! Some even call it: “Brotox.”

Neurotoxins like Botox are injectable muscle relaxants that ease facial muscles and allow wrinkles and fine lines to smooth out. Similar to fillers, neurotoxins also naturally and gradually fade away if you cease treatments. That means you can look as natural—or as young—as you want to.

There is no downtime after Botox injections and with my modern techniques, minimal bruising too! Results last 3-4 months and if you stick to a maintenance regime, they can last even longer.

Kybella for men

Too many walleye fish fries? If you’ve developed a double chin, you’re not alone. Almost 70% of Americans admit to having a double chin, but you no longer need to live with one. 

Kybella™ is the first FDA-approved injectable formulated to eliminate fat within the jowl and jaw area, melting a double chin permanently. Depending on your level of fat, most patients require 1-3 injections to reach optimal results.

Combined with Facial Sculpting Fillers, men can truly transform their jawline and profile with Kybella!

Kybella double chin fat dissolve for men chanhassen minnesota

Laser hair removal for men

Another treatment that attracts many men through my doors is laser hair removal. Whether it’s for aesthetic purposes to remove unwanted body or facial hair, or for the medical benefits of avoiding ingrown hairs and painful razor bumps, laser hair removal is incredible.

Men generally treat their backs, necks, brows, and hands. However, lasers are safe to use on nearly every part of the body. In a few sessions, you can significantly reduce the amount of hair in a region and never have to shave or wax again.

B-12 Vitamin injections for men

Cold, cloudy, snowy weather in Minnesota can take a toll on your mood and reap havoc on your immune system. To combat this fatigue, REFINE offers B-12 Vitamin injections that many of my male patients love to receive.

Regardless of whether you are B-vitamin deficient or not, B-12 plays a vital role in the body. An extra boost of this can:

  • Improve brain performance and function

  • Treat depression and improve overall mood

  • Boost the immune system and overall health

  • Increase mental clarity

  • Increase energy levels

  • Reduce fatigue, mentally and physically

  • Help treat osteoporosis

Where to get men’s aesthetic treatments in Chanhassen, MN

All those decades of cold Minnesota winters and sunny boat days may have taken a toll on you, so come get refined! Here at REFINE, I work diligently to make all my patients look and feel like their best selves. Book a consultation and let’s just chat! I’m happy to answer any questions you have and discuss your hesitations and aesthetic goals. See you soon, boys.



How to Refine Your Face with Dermal Fillers


How Dermal Fillers Can Fill In Your Tear Troughs