What are the Top 3 Anti-Aging Treatments in Chanhassen, MN?

Looking for the best anti-aging treatments in Minnesota? You’ve come to the right place!

Time is not known for being kind, especially to our appearance. If you have been noticing irksome signs of aging lately, you’re certainly not alone. Luckily, cosmetic enhancements and wrinkle-fighting treatments are readily available in today’s aesthetic market. But where should you begin?

The best beauty treatments are the ones that fit your particular problem area and also accommodate your overall stage in life. It is important to take into account that the present you has much different needs than the you from 20 years ago. That being said, here are the top 3 anti-aging treatments we recommend here at Refine Laser and Skincare. These amazing services can be coupled with other treatments for even better age-defying results!

Dermal Fillers for Moderate to Advanced Signs of Aging

We’re starting off with one of the most effective anti-aging treatments for deep wrinkles and other advanced signs of aging. Dermal fillers are rockstars at treating issues like thinning lips, deep-set wrinkles, sunken tear troughs, and other advanced signs of aging.

Whether you’d like to plump up those lips, rejuvenate the area around your eyes, or soften some of your more pronounced wrinkles, dermal fillers produce immediate age-reversing results and last between 6 and 12 months.

How Neurotoxins Complement Dermal Fillers to Reverse Wrinkles

Dermal fillers are great for treating what is often called “static” wrinkles, or lines that are visible when your face is at rest. Neurotoxins like Botox, however, are the key to treating what we call “dynamic” wrinkles, or the ones that are actively being created by repeated facial movements. Neurotoxins work to relax the muscles and smooth out those wrinkles to diminish their appearance, and when combined with dermal fillers, none of your wrinkles stand a chance.

Diminish Early Signs of Aging and Other Skin Issues with Moxi Laser Treatments

Laser skin rejuvenation is great for those who want to address multiple skin issues on the face and other areas of the body. Moxi Laser treatments work to refine the top layer of skin by penetrating it with laser therapy and heating the skin. This encourages new cell growth and boosts collagen production for smoother, brighter, and more beautiful-looking skin.

Moxi Laser treatment is a great solution for younger individuals looking for preventative anti-aging and light-touch corrections of mild skin issues like:

  • Light sun damage

  • Early signs of aging

  • Uneven pigmentation

  • Mild tone and texture issues

Couple Moxi Laser Treatments With Neurotoxins for Skin Rejuvenation and Aging Prevention

Moxi Laser treatment is perfect for long-term skin maintenance and wrinkle prevention, which makes it the ideal coupling treatment for Botox and other neurotoxins. Since neurotoxins relax the facial muscles to smooth creases caused by muscle movements, they’re a great treatment to get early in life in order to stop permanent wrinkles from forming in the first place. The two treatments make a flawless addition to your aging prevention regimen.

Get PRP Hair Restoration At the First Signs of Hair Loss

Ladies, hair loss isn’t just a guy issue, is it? One of the most disappointing effects of aging is losing volume in your hair. It’s not enough that, as we approach mid-life, unwanted hair pops up in places we don’t want it, but the hair on our heads thins more and more as the years go by.

About PRP Injections

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are an all-natural approach to anti-aging. The treatment involves extracting platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s own blood, which is then injected into the patient’s skin to promote new skin growth and stimulate collagen production.

PRP treatments can:

  • Eliminate under-eye darkness

  • Improve the appearance of crepey skin

  • Diminish scars from acne

  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

The good news for those experiencing hair loss: PRP has been found to increase blood supply to the hair follicles and possibly promote hair growth in those with thinning hair. One study saw a 30% improvement overall in those with hair loss. It’s recommended that you get PRP treatments for hair loss in the early stages while you are on the younger side of life and still have hair remaining.

Sculptra and Microneedling Effects Are Enhanced by PRP

Due to the boost in collagen, your skin gets from PRP, the effects of other skin revitalizing treatments – like Sculptra and Microneedling – are enhanced when they’re performed in conjunction with PRP.

Sculptra is a dermal filler that also stimulates collagen production in the body. The PLLA formula improves skin tone and texture and gives you a beautiful, youthful glow. When PRP is also introduced in conjunction with Sculptra, the anti-aging results are more gradual and result in a natural-looking transformation. Microneedling is known as a medical facial and involves the use of tiny needles that create small punctures in the skin. The microscopic wounding of the skin promotes new skin growth and boosts collagen production for younger, smoother, brighter-looking skin.

Where to get Age-Defying Cosmetic Treatments in Chanhassen, MN

If you’re ready to address the effects of aging that have begun appearing on your skin, our experts at Refine Med Spa in Chanhassen, MN are ready to help. With treatments like Sculptra, microneedling, and dermal fillers, your beauty goals will be met with amazing results. Give us a call or make an appointment to get your cosmetic enhancement journey started. 

Beauty Isn’t Determined By Age Anymore


The Power of Sculptra + PRP


What are the Top 3 PRP Treatments?