How I Reduce Bruising From Botox or Fillers for My Patients


Aesthetic medicine is rising in popularity, but for some reason it’s still taboo. Many of my clients love their Botox or filler results, but they don’t want people to know they had work done - even if it’s the best Botox in Minneapolis. They’re afraid of bruising - so I do everything in my power to reduce it.

Whether you’re trying to hide the work or you just bruise like a 🍑 and are scared for your skin - I understand the fear of bruising. Thankfully, with 18+ years of experience, I have some tricks up my sleeve.

Here is a rundown of how I reduce bruising from injectables for my patients. Hopefully by the end of this quick read, you’ll feel more at ease next time you schedule an appointment. 

Why do Botox and fillers cause bruising?

I’d like to say it’s self-explanatory, but it’s not as straightforward as you’d think. All aesthetic injectables - neurotoxins, dermal fillers, fat-burners like Kybella - usually cause some bruising. 

Bruising happens when a needle accidentally nicks a blood vessel. This allows blood to leak under the skin, causing the lovely purple/reddish bruise to form on the surface. 

You are, after all, injecting the skin with a needle so bruising is a natural process. But, some people bruise worse than others.
More mature patients experience worse bruising than younger clients. Why? As we age, blood vessels become weaker and the skin gets thinner. In addition, some people are genetically predisposed to bruise easily. So, you can say “I got it from my momma.”

Less bruising starts with an experienced Chanhassen Botox and filler injector

An expert injector with years of experience will know how to reduce bruising and provide the most comfortable experience for their patients. It’s all about the best injection techniques and knowing precisely how to perform them.

I have methods to reduce bruising: I know where to poke, how hard to press and how to create maximum results with minimal effort from the syringe. 

Another way I reduce bruising is through my needle selection. I can use a Cannula needle that has a duller tip. This less sharp end creates an entrance and lessens the piercing, reducing bruising by a lot. 

I have many mature clients that bruise easily, so I work around that to give them the results they want.


Other ways to reduce bruising after injections  

Here are some other quick tips on how to reduce bruising after an appointment. All my bruise-avoiding-techniques aside, these should help reduce inflammation and the visible signs of bruising.

💉 Avoid alcohol the days around your appointment to avoid thinning the blood

💉 Make ice your best friend and use cold compresses after your appointment

💉 Take an Ibuprofen to reduce swelling (if your medical doctor allows)

💉 Stay away from the gym and rigorous exercise for 2 days after the treatment

💉 Eat pineapple for extra Bromelain and its anti-inflammatory properties

Where to get expert injectables in Chanhassen, MN

If you’re interested in fillers or neurotoxins like Botox, but are afraid of bruising, I’d love to discuss your beauty goals over a consultation. I work with countless patients across the Chanhassen area and cater each appointment to their skin’s needs. I’m confident my injections will do the best job possible. Book an appointment and let’s chat to put those worries to rest. Bye, bye bruising!



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